The Toy Box
Handcrafted visuals breathe life into playful paper characters for “La Boîte à joujoux” (The Toy Box), Claude Debussy’s musical ballet for children. The illustrations are inspired by the adorable imagery of André Hellé’s book from 1913, depicting the magical secrets nestled within a toy box while children slumber. The Swiss classical ensemble, Ensemble Variante, has created an endearing musical spectacle where music and images awaken the magic of this tale of jealousy among toys.
Children’s Musical Ballet

In Hellé’s tale, three principal characters stand out: a soldier, a doll, and a foolish polichinelle. Crafted with geometrical minimalism using a reduced color palette, these handcrafted paper figures capture the playful essence of the story. As they come to life on paper, these characters evoke a sense of wonder and nostalgia, paying tribute to this beloved tale about the timeless magic of childhood imagination.